A ducting package complete with elbows, blast gates and adaptors for connecting up your machines to a workshop extractor. Simply fix a horizontal pipe to the wall or ceiling with the clips supplied and then take branch pipes to exactly where the extraction points are needed in the workshop, using the T junctions and 63mm flexible hose. Attach a vacuum extractor and away you go! The kit consists of 8 x 915mm lengths of tube (63mm diameter), 4 x tee joints, 3 x 45Β° joiners, 2 x 90Β° elbows, 16 x pipe joiners, 5 x plastic blast gates, 10 x wall clips and a 100mm to 63mm adaptor. A suitable hose for use with the dust extraction kit is the PVC Superflex hose which is available in 2.5m lengths (505003). If the kit does not have enough components then additional parts are available separately.-bg