These mops have a leather reinforced central tapered hole for mounting onto a tapered mop adaptor on a bench grinder or a pigtail chucked in a power drill. Each mop consists of four discs of non-woven nylon, coated with aluminium oxide abrasive. A certain amount of flexibility means you can use them on curved surfaces. Available in four grades, they have many uses. Mainly intended for use on metals although some interesting effects can be had when used on wood. The coarse grade (approx 80g) will remove paint and heavy rust from metal and can be quite aggressive. Medium and finer grades (approx 120g, 180g and 320g) are great for cleaning tools that have become rusty, bringing them back to life and full use. The most widely used applications are producing a satin or matt finish on metal, or smoothing and preparing the surface prior to final polishing with compound and cotton mops. Eye protection must be worn.-bg