Централен склад: Доставка 7-10 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Abrasive Lap Mops Shesto ax846692 29,44 лв. For mounting onto a tapered mop adaptor or pigtailNon-woven nylon coated with abrasiveFlexibility allows their use on contoured surfacesAvailable in four gradesCoarse grade will remove paint and heavy rust from metalMedium and finer grades are great for cleaning rusted toolsProduce a satin or matt finish on metalSmooth and prepare a surface prior to final... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Arbor for 10mm Bore Polishing Mops Shesto 503935 14,99 лв. Enables mops to be used in a power drill or flexible shaftFor use with 10mm bore metal centred mops6mm shankRecommended mops no more than 100mm diameter-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Aluminium Oxide 'Grey' Grinding Wheels - 150mm Axminster Workshop ax988093 44,19 лв. Suitable for general grinding150mm diameter20mm width31.75mm bore (reducing bushes available)-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Aluminium Oxide 'Grey' Grinding Wheels - 200mm Axminster Professional ax988098 24,48 лв. Suitable for general grinding200mm diameter32mm width31.75mm bore (reducing bushes available)-bg Добавяне в количката
Налично София Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Aluminium Oxide 'White' Grinding Wheels - 150mm Axminster Workshop ax988099 70,15 лв. Suitable for general tool sharpening150mm diameter20mm width31.75mm boreSoft ceramic bond avoids excessive overheating-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Aluminium Oxide 'White' Grinding Wheels - 200mm Axminster Professional 200454 68,91 лв. Suitable for general tool sharpening200mm diameter32mm width120 gritSoft ceramic bond avoids excessive overheating-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Aluminium Oxide Grinding Wheel 200mm x 40mm Axminster Workshop 106549 97,29 лв. Ideal for sharpening tool steel, fast cutting 80g aluminium oxideSofter bond, less chance of overheating the tool40mm wide, 200mm diameter, 15.88mm (5/8") bore-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти Axminster Blue Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105924 8,79 лв. Blue; second stage compound for iron and steelsBest results with a stitched mopFirst stage for poor condition non-ferrous metalCut 5; Colour 8Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Brown Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105927 8,79 лв. Brown; commonly known as TripoliFirst stage on non-ferrous metals, copper, brassUse on a stitched or loose-leaf mopCut 7; Colour 7Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи пасти Axminster Buff Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105928 8,79 лв. Buff; for plastics, acrylics, lacquersPolish using a loose-leaf mop with gentle pressureCut 2; Colour 9Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Craft 150mm Felt Wheel Plain Bore - Hard Axminster Workshop 105857 95,82 лв. Колело от 100 % вълнен филц, идеално за окончателно хонинговане на инструменти за остриета Твърд филц за инструменти и остриета с прави ръбове, резултати като бръснач всеки път Твърд филц за инструменти с прави ръбове, отлична еластичност, дълготраен Диаметър 150 мм x ширина 20 мм, отвор 12,7 мм Произведено в Обединеното кралство Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Craft 150mm Nylon Abrasive Wheel Plain Bore - Coarse Axminster Workshop 105863 61,01 лв. Нетъкан найлон, покрит с алуминиев оксид Отворена структура: не се запушва, груб за отстраняване на ръжда и боя 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Гъвкав, приспособява се към извити повърхности Подгответе повърхността преди започване на полирането Използвайте при реставрация и съживяване на стари инструменти Получаване на сатенено... Добавяне в количката
Налично София Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Craft 150mm Nylon Abrasive Wheel Plain Bore - Fine Axminster Workshop 105859 61,01 лв. Нетъкан найлон, покрит с алуминиев оксид Отворена структура: не се запушва, фин клас за сатенено или матово покритие на метал 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Гъвкав, приляга към извити повърхности Подгответе повърхността преди започване на полирането Помага за почистване и съживяване на метални повърхности Носете предпазни... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Craft 150mm Nylon Abrasive Wheel Plain Bore - Medium Axminster Workshop 105862 61,01 лв. Нетъкан найлон, покрит с алуминиев оксид Отворена структура: не се запушва, средство за смесване и отстраняване на драскотини 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Гъвкав, приспособява се към извити повърхности Подгответе повърхността преди започване на полирането Използвайте при реставрация и съживяване на стари инструменти... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Craft 150mm Stitched Polishing Mop Plain Bore Axminster Workshop 105867 21,48 лв. Спираловидно зашита, за по-твърда повърхност на мопа, втори етап на полиране на стомани и черни метали Обикновено първи етап на полиране на цветни метали 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Не е подходяща за използване с монтаж тип "косичка" Препоръчва се да се използва отделен моп за всеки тип смес Произведено в Обединеното кралство Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Evolution Series CBN Wheel 200 x 32mm - 80g Axminster Professional 103913 265,56 лв. 200mm diameter with a 32mm wide face80 grit CBN coating: perfect for re-grinding or re-shaping HSS toolsCoating extends 15mm down each sideVery little heat produced during grinding, eliminates bluingCuts fast, requiring minimal pressure, produces an even finishWheel stays flat, true and smooth runningLasts many years, may never need replacingEffective... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Evolution Series CBN Wheel 200 x 32mm - 180g Axminster Professional 103915 265,56 лв. 200mm diameter with a 32mm wide face180 grit coating perfect for sharpening HSS toolsCoating extends 15mm down each sideVery little heat produced, eliminates bluingCuts fast, requiring minimal pressure when sharpeningProduces an even finish and superbly sharp cutting edgeWheel stays flat, true and smooth runningLasts many years, may never need... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Green Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105929 8,79 лв. Green; first stage for ferrous if good conditionBest results with sisal or stitched mopFirst stage for poor condition non-ferrousUse this compound for charging a leather stropCut 7; Colour 8Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Grinding Wheel 150 x 40 x 12.7mm Axminster Workshop 107328 66,32 лв. Sharpen high carbon tool steels and HSS toolsCooler cutting, less chance of overheating the toolFast cutting, medium hard vitrified bond 80g aluminium oxide40mm wide, 150mm diameter, 12.7mm (1/2") bore-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Pink Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105926 8,79 лв. Pink; final stage, mirror finish on steels, stainless steelLoose-leaf mop with gentle pressureSuitable for final stage polishing of copper, brass etcGood for first stage polishing of chrome platingCut 3; Colour 9Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Red Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105930 10,86 лв. Red; often referred to as jeweller’s rougeVery fine compound brings high gloss finishPerfect for gold, silver and precious metalsUse for the final finishing of brass and copperLoose-leaf mop with very gentle pressureCut 1; Colour 9Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Felt Wheel For Ultimate Edge - Hard Axminster Professional 105580 48,39 лв. Hard felt for straight edge toolsFelt wheels produce the ultimate, mirror polished edgeRazor-edge results every timeExcellent resilience and long lastingUse with honing compound100mm diameter x 20mm wide, 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Felt Wheel For Ultimate Edge - Medium Axminster Professional 105579 40,41 лв. Medium grade for straight and gently curved edge toolsFelt wheels produce the ultimate, mirror polished edgeRazor-edge results every timeExcellent resilience and long lastingUse in conjunction with honing compound100mm diameter x 20mm wide, 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Felt Wheel For Ultimate Edge - Soft Axminster Professional 105578 31,29 лв. Soft felt for all carving tools and gougesFelt wheels produce the ultimate, mirror polished edgeRazor-edge results every timeExcellent resilience and long lastingUse with honing compound100mm diameter x 20mm wide, 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Trade Final Finish Buffing Powder Axminster Professional 105763 19,32 лв. Ultra fine, non-abrasive powderHighly effective cleaning and polishing agentBrightens polished metal for a deeper shineRemoves greasy residue from the polishing compoundRemoves polishing haze and fingerprintsApply on a soft cloth or microfibre cloth and gently wipeSupplied in 450g tub-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Nylon Abrasive Wheel for Ultimate Edge - Coarse Axminster Professional 105583 40,70 лв. Helps restore and revive old toolsNon-woven nylon, coated with aluminium oxideFlexible, will conform to curved surfacesCoarse grade, good for rust removal100mm diameter x 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Nylon Abrasive Wheel for Ultimate Edge - Fine Axminster Professional 105581 40,70 лв. Produces satin finish on metal surfacesNon-woven nylon, coated with aluminium oxideFlexible, will conform to curved surfacesFine grade for refining surface prior to polishing100mm diameter x 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Nylon Abrasive Wheel for Ultimate Edge - Medium Axminster Professional 105582 40,70 лв. Revive tarnished metal surfacesNon-woven nylon, coated with aluminium oxideFlexible, will conform to curved surfacesMedium grade for initial cleaning before polishing100mm diameter x 12mm boreMounts directly onto the Ultimate Edge “twist n fix” arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge "Twist n Fix" Arbor Axminster Professional 105419 106,25 лв. Accessory the Ultimate Edge Sharpening MachineAttach a mop, wheel or profiling wheel for polishing or honing"Twist n Fix" arbor is totally uniqueOffers virtually instant change between mopsOne twist and it’s locked runs in forward or reverseMount each mop on its own for rapid changingMakes polishing/honing process quick, safe and simple.Additional “Twist... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge Loose Fold Polishing Mop Axminster Professional 105423 36,99 лв. Designed for use with “twist n fix” arbor100mm diameter with 12mm boreUnstitched for a softer working surfaceFirst stage polishing on copper, brass, gold, silverFinal finishing on ferrous metals; steel, stainless steelFinal finishing on non-ferrous metals; brass and copper-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge Sisal Polishing Mop Axminster Professional 105421 36,14 лв. Designed for use with “twist n fix” arbor100mm diameter with 12mm boreMore aggressive than a standard stitched mopFast cutting action, removes scratches or grinding marksUse for first stage polishing on steel, aluminium alloys, stainless steelRecommended for use with grey compound-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge Standard Stitched Polishing Mop Axminster Professional 105422 30,15 лв. Designed for use with “twist n fix” arbor100mm diameter with 12mm boreStitched to give a firmer working surfaceSecond stage polishing steel, stainless steel and ironRecommended for use with pink or white compound-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge Twist n Fix Mop Arbor Axminster Professional 105420 85,44 лв. Additional mop arbors for Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix”Have each mop on its own arbor for rapid changingMakes polishing/honing process quick, safe and simpleOffers virtually instant change between mopsOne twist and it’s locked runs in forward or reverse-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Axminster Trade Ultimate Edge Twist n Fix Mop Arbor - Pack of 3 Axminster Professional 720623 227,94 лв. Pack of 3 additional mop arbors for Ultimate Edge “Twist n Fix”Have each mop on its own arbor for rapid changingMakes polishing/honing process quick, safe and simpleOffers virtually instant change between mopsOne twist and it’s locked runs in forward or reverse-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Стойки Axminster Universal Bench Grinder Stand Axminster Professional 340162 221,39 лв. Solid cast ironSuitable for most bench grinders and lightweight machinesThree-legged baseSubstantial 265mm x 185mm mounting platform-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Axminster White Grinding Wheel 200mm x 25mm Axminster Workshop ax1029066 88,15 лв. Sharpen high carbon and HSS toolsCooler cutting with less tendency to overheat the steelCuts freely offering a fast result and clean finish200mm diameter x 25mm wide, 31.75mm bore (reduction bushes are available)-bg Добавяне в количката
Налично София Дискове за шмиргели Axminster Wide Wheel for AWBGDL Bench Grinder Axminster Workshop 400074 35,25 лв. 40mm wide150mm diameter80 grit aluminium oxideFor the Axminster AWBGDL wide stone grinder-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Axminster Yellow Polishing Compound Axminster Workshop 105921 8,79 лв. Yellow; first stage compound, use with sisal mopRecommended for iron, steel and stainless steelFast cutting leaving a dull sheenUse after 240g or finer wet and dry paperCut 9; Colour 5Bar size 100 x 35 x 20mm; weight 100g-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти Blue Polishing Compound (Steelbrite) Shesto 503953 38,77 лв. Final glossing compoundSuitable for brass, copper and aluminiumFerrous metals, steel and stainless steelBar 200 x 50 x 50mm-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти Brown Polishing Compound (Tripoli) Shesto ax885749 21,91 лв. For first stage polishingSuitable for brass, copper, non-ferrous metals, plastics, fibreglassRecommended using hard stitched or firm loose-leaf mopSmall bars 100 x 15 x 15mm (supplied in packs of 2)Large bars 200 x 50 x 50mm-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Дискове за шмиргели CBN колело Axminster Evolution Series 200 x 40mm - 180g Axminster Professional 105026 324,56 лв. Диаметър 200 мм, ширина 40 мм Покритие 180 идеално за заточване на HSS инструменти Покритието е с дебелина 15 мм от всяка страна Произвежда се много малко топлина, елиминира посиняването Реже бързо, изисква минимално налягане при заточване Създава равномерно покритие и превъзходно остър режещ ръб Колелото остава плоско, вярно и гладко Издържа... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Изравнители за абразивни дискове Cleaning Stone For CBN Wheels & Diamond Stone 400G Axminster Professional 104143 5,64 лв. Removes build-up from the surface of CBN and diamond grinding wheelsRestores free-cutting actionCleans, making the wheel cut like new againAluminium oxide block (70 x 30 x 20mm)-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Изравнители за абразивни дискове Diamond Dressing Block Axminster Workshop 410057 32,39 лв. Useful for dressing across width of grinding wheelsProduces flatter surface than single point dressers-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Изравнители за абразивни дискове Diamond Wheel Dressers Axminster Workshop 410060 17,64 лв. Industrial diamond embedded in round steel barFor rapid dressing, reshaping or deglazing all grind stones8" x 1/2" 75 Carat-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи пасти Flexcut PW11 (Gold) Polishing Compound Flexcut 510075 46,14 лв. Specially formulated abrasive compoundApplied to strop like a crayonImparts fine polish to tool edgeVery effective for sharpening all carving tools-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Flexipads Merino Sheepskin Bonnets Flexipads 952448 8,67 лв. High quality Merino sheepskin bonnets50mm(2") diameterExcellent for buffing your turned bowls-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Flexipads Scruff Balls Flexipads ax889168 27,96 лв. For use with mains or cordless drillsNon-woven nylon coated with abrasiveShape and flexibility allows use on many surfacesAvailable in three gradesMedium and finer grades are great for cleaning rusted toolsProduce a satin or matt finish on metalSmooth and prepare a surface prior to final polishingEye protection must be wornMaximum recommended speed... Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Grinding Wheel Reduction Bushes Axminster Workshop ax29710 11,45 лв. 1.1/4" external diameterAvailable in a range of sizes-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Heavy Duty Polishing Kit for Brass Shesto 503937 105,29 лв. Use with a drill, flexible shaft or bench grinder fitted with a taper spindleProduces a mirror finish on aluminium, brass, copper and similar metals1 x stitched mop 2 section x 100mm1 x soft mop 25mm x 100mm1 x brown polishing bar1 x blue polishing bar1 x pigtail arbor with 6mm shank-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Heavy Duty Polishing Kit for Plastic Shesto 503940 105,29 лв. Use with a drill, flexible shaft or bench grinder fitted with a taper spindleProduce a high gloss finish on plastic, acrylics, fibreglass and BakeliteKit includes:1 x 2 section stitched mop x 100mm1 x 25mm loose leaf mop x 100mm1 x brown polishing bar1 x buff polishing bar1 x pigtail arbor with 6mm shank-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Heavy Duty Polishing Kit for Steel Shesto 503938 105,29 лв. Use with a drill, flexible shaft or bench grinder fitted with a taper spindleProduces a mirror finish on steel, stainless steel, iron and (hard) ferrous metals1 x stitched mop 2 section x 100mm1 x soft mop 25mm x 100mm1 x grey polishing bar1 x blue polishing bar1 x pigtail arbor with 6mm shank-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Heavy Duty Polishing Kit for Wood Shesto 503939 105,29 лв. Use with a drill, flexible shaft or bench grinder fitted with a taper spindleProduce a high gloss finish wood (hard or soft)1 x 4 section abrasive lap mop x 100mm1 x stitched mop 25mm x 100mm1 x buff polishing bar1 x pigtail arbor with 6mm shank-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Pigtail Mop Arbor 6mm Shank Shesto 503936 26,43 лв. Enables mops to be used in a power drill or flexible shaftFor use with leather centred mops6mm shankRecommended mops no more than 100mm diameter-bg Добавяне в количката
Централен склад: Доставка 7-10 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Pink Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop ax19566 73,69 лв. Semi-friable grindstonesEspecially suited to grinding fine edged hand tools150mm diameter, 31.75mm bore, 80 gritEither 20mm or 25mm wide-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти Pink Polishing Compound (Sovereign) Shesto 503950 29,74 лв. Intermediate 2nd stage polishing, for steel, stainless steel and hard metalsRemoves marks from first cutting stageRecommended using soft stitched or firm loose-leaf mop-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Kit for Alloys Shesto 503930 66,76 лв. Use in a power drill or flexible shaftProduces a mirror finish on aluminium, brass, copper and similar metals1 x firm mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x soft mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x brown polishing bar1 x blue polishing bar1 x straight shank arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Kit for Steel & Stainless Steel Shesto 503931 105,29 лв. Use in a power drill or flexible shaftProduces a mirror finish on steel, stainless steel and ferrous metals1 x sisal mop 2 section x 100mm1 x firm mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x soft mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x grey polishing bar1 x pink polishing bar1 x blue polishing bar1 x straight shank arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Kit for Wood Shesto 503932 73,68 лв. Use in a power drill or flexible shaftProduces a mirror finish on wood1 x aluminium oxide lap mop 4 section x 100mm1 x firm mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x soft mop 10 fold x 100mm1 x buff polishing bar1 x straight shank arbor-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Mop Adaptor Shesto ax886085 27,93 лв. Fits over shaft of bench grinder or motor1/2" bore, left or right handedMop screws onto tapered threadMakes mop changing quick and simple-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Mops Loose-leaf Shesto ax885622 29,74 лв. For use on taper spindlesUnstitched for a softer working surfaceAll loose-leaf mops are 25mm thickFirst stage polishing on copper, brass, pewter, gold, silver and most hard plastics - B mopFinal finishing on harder metals such as steel, stainless steel and iron – B mopFinal finishing on non-ferrous metals, such as brass and copper - G mopFine finishing of... Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Mops Sisal Shesto ax885624 31,85 лв. More aggressive than a standard stitched mopFast cutting action, removes scratches or grinding marksUseful for first stage polishing on steel, aluminium alloys stainless steel and ironUse with grey compound-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Polishing Mops Stitched Shesto ax885623 27,93 лв. For use on taper spindlesStitched to give a firmer working surfaceSections are approximately 13mm wideFirst stage polishing on copper, brass - B mopSecond stage polishing steel, stainless steel and iron – B mopFinal finishing on ferrous metals - G mopGeneral polishing where surface is unscratched - G mop-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Proxxon Bleached Muslin Polishing Wheel Soft 100mm x 15mm For PM100 Proxxon 507269 18,21 лв. A soft treated muslin polishing wheel for the PM100 polishing machine100 x 15mmFor a high shine polish for gold, silver, platinum, copper, stainless steel and plastic-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Дискове за шмиргели Proxxon Corundum Wheel for SPE & BSG 220 Proxxon 300117 11,54 лв. (Hardness N) 50 x 13mm12.7mm boreFor general grinding/sharpening-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Proxxon Felt Cloth Polishing Disc 100 x 15mm Proxxon 507270 30,97 лв. A felt cloth polishing wheel for the PM100 polishing machine100 x 15mmWhite polishing felt for high shine polishing-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Proxxon Microfibre Polishing Disc Proxxon 507271 40,54 лв. Microfibre polishing wheel for the PM100 polishing machine100 x 15mmSuitable for tight curves, radii and spots difficult to access-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти Proxxon Polishing Set for SPE Proxxon 475860 77,95 лв. Easily fitted to the arborSteel wire brush for de-rusting & cleaning steel & NF metalsBrass wire brush to polish non-ferrous metals & precious metalsFelt wheel is used on painted surfacesChamois and cotton wheels for a high gloss finish on a variety of materials-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Дискове за шмиргели Proxxon Silicon Carbide Wheel for SPE & BSG 220 Proxxon 477730 12,12 лв. 50 x 13mm12.7mm boreSilicon Carbide for hard materials-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Proxxon Treated Muslin Polishing Wheel For PM100 Proxxon 507268 20,24 лв. A stiff treated muslin polishing wheel for the PM100 polishing machine100 x 15mmFor use with gold, silver, platinum, copper, stainless steel and plastic-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Дискове за шмиргели Silicon Carbide 'Green' Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop ax22226 76,35 лв. Suitable for TCT grindingAvailable with two diameter sizes120 grit-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Стойки Tormek RB-180 Rotating Base Tormek 952887 156,46 лв. An easy way to rotate your machine 180°Simple to switch from sharpening to honing on the leather wheelLow profile; minimal effect on working heightRubber feet ensure it remains steady during sharpeningCan be mounted on all Tormek models new and oldDesign allows for easy cleaning-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Стойки Tormek RB-180 Rotating Base and RM-533 Rubber Mat Tormek 719104 300,94 лв. An easy way to rotate your machine 180°Simple to switch from sharpening to honing on the leather wheelLow profile; minimal effect on working heightRubber feet ensure it remains steady during sharpeningDesign allows for easy cleaningA waterproof and non-slip surfaceRaised rim helps to retain waterUltra heavy dutyProtects any work surfaceCleans easily-bg Добавяне в количката
Няма наличност! Полиращи пасти Veritas Honing Compound Veritas 477070 39,07 лв. Ideal for honing hardened steel bladesBonds well to felt, leather, or woodAluminium oxide blended with other fine abrasivesBonding formulated for ease of chargingIdeal for carving tools and firmer gougesIt can be used for final honing of almost any tool170g bar-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Изравнители за абразивни дискове Wheel Dressing Stick Axminster Workshop 410074 13,81 лв. Coarse carborundumFor dressing worn or unbalanced wheels-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Ограничена наличност! Полиращи пасти White Polishing Compound (Hyfin) Shesto 503952 40,57 лв. For first stage polishing with a firm mopFor final high polish stage with a soft, loose leaf mopSuitable for chrome, plated metals and EPNS (electro plated nickel silver)-bg Добавяне в количката
Налично София Дискове за шмиргели Woodcut Tru-Grind CBN Grinding Wheels Woodcut Tools ax933820 498,24 лв. Smooth grinding from 100 to 3,500rpm Cool cutting no burnt or blue edges 180 grit gives fine and even finish No wear, so no resetting of your jigs Only light pressure required No dressing or conditioning required-bg Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Полиращ моп с отпуснати листа с обикновен отвор Axminster Workshop 105868 41,24 лв. Заключителен етап на гланциране на стомана и черни метали Първи и втори етап на полиране на цветни метали 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Не е подходящ за използване с монтаж тип "пигтейл" Произведено в Обединеното кралство Добавяне в количката
Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни! Полиращи мопове и адаптори Сизалов полиращ моп с обикновен отвор за Axminster Craft 150 мм Axminster Workshop 105866 28,85 лв. Спираловидно зашита със сизалови влакна, премахва абразивните следи За първи етап на полиране на стомана и черни метали 12,7 мм обикновен отвор, за монтиране на Axminster AW150BB Не е подходяща за използване с монтаж тип "косичка" 13 мм широка повърхност Произведена в Обединеното кралство Добавяне в количката