A screw chuck is a quick and convenient method for mounting a turning blank on your lathe. The central screw is stainless steel with a deep sharp thread for a positive and secure hold. It only requires you to drill a single shallow hole in the blank. Unlike a face plate which requires several screws to attach the timber, a screw chuck has a single central screw. It is ideal for smaller or shallow workpieces, (always assess the suitability for the size of the work). These screw chucks fit into C jaws of an Axminster woodturning chuck. This enables you to turn both the outside and the inside of a bowl without having to remove your Axminster chuck from the lathe. Thus guaranteeing complete concentricity. To fit into the 100mm and 114mm C dovetail jaws. For particularly shallow pieces use a plywood spacer to reduce the effective length of the screw. Supplied fitted with an 8mm x 25mm long screw. Two smaller size screws are available separately, useful in making wooden fruit etc.-bg