The Axminster Workshop No. 60.1/2 Classic Low Angle Block plane is a fine example of this popular model. Classic design with classic looks. The solid brass cast and polished cap gives the plane a comfortable hand feel with a little bit more heft. The blade is bevel-up bedded at 13.5°, for super clean cuts especially on end grain and soft woods. The blade is O1 steel, offering excellent edge retention. It comes with a 25° bevel. The blade only requires honing before use (putting a 30° micro bevel on the edge can be done in less than a minute). The body is grey cast iron and features an adjustable mouth for fine or coarse work. The depth of the cut is controlled with a micro depth adjustment. The lateral blade ensures an even shaving. The sole is 155mm long with a 35mm wide blade. A weight of 815g, combined with the low blade angle gives you a plane that is almost indispensable for most small trimming tasks.-bg
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- Лепила Винтове Крепежи
- Струговане на дърво
- Промоции
Подробности за продукта
- Тип самолет
- Block
- Ширина на острието на самолета
- 35 mm (1.3/8")
- Дължина на подметката на самолета
- 155 mm
- Нетно тегло
- 815 g (1lb 13oz)
- EAN Barcode
- 5052511131433
- Model
- No. 60.1/2
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Дърводелска цикла плоска Axminster 151F
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Дърводелски триъгълник Веритас 85mm
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