Grinding Wheels Axminster Aluminium Oxide 'White' Grinding Wheels - 150mm Axminster Workshop ax988099 BGN70.15 Sharpen high carbon and HSS toolsCooler cutting with less tendency to overheat the steelCuts freely offering a fast result and clean finish150mm diameter, 20mm width31.75mm bore (bore reduction bushes are available) Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Professional Aluminium Oxide 'Grey' Grinding Wheels - 200mm Axminster Professional ax988098 BGN24.91 Suitable for general grinding200mm diameter32mm width, 31.75mm bore (reducing bushes available) Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Professional Aluminium Oxide 'White' Grinding Wheels - 200mm Axminster Professional 200454 BGN70.12 Sharpen high carbon and HSS toolsCooler cutting with less tendency to overheat the steelCuts freely offering a fast result and clean finish200mm diameter, 32mm width31.75mm bore (bore reduction bushes are available) Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Professional CBN Wheel 200 x 32mm - 80g Axminster Professional 103913 BGN270.22 Cuts fast, requiring minimal pressure when sharpeningProduces an even finish and superbly sharp cutting edgeLasts many years, always flat, true and smooth running200mm diameter with a 32mm wide face80 grit CBN coating: perfect for re-grinding or re-shaping HSS toolsCoating extends 15mm down each sideVery little heat produced during grinding, eliminates... Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Professional CBN Wheel 200 x 32mm - 180g Axminster Professional 103915 BGN270.22 Cuts fast, requiring minimal pressure when sharpeningProduces an even finish and superbly sharp cutting edgeLasts many years, always flat, true and smooth running200mm diameter with a 32mm wide face180 grit coating perfect for sharpening HSS toolsCoating extends 15mm down each sideVery little heat produced, eliminates bluingEffective from 100rpm to 3,500rpm Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Grinding Wheels Axminster Professional CBN Wheel 200 x 40mm - 180g Axminster Professional 105026 BGN330.25 Cuts fast, requiring minimal pressure when sharpeningProduces an even finish and superbly sharp cutting edgeLasts many years, always flat, true and smooth running200mm diameter with a 40mm wide face180 grit coating perfect for sharpening HSS toolsCoating extends 15mm down each sideVery little heat produced, eliminates bluingEffective from 100rpm to 3,500rpm Add to cart
Grinding Wheels Axminster Wide Wheel for AWBGDL/AC150WSG Bench Grinder Axminster Workshop 400074 BGN35.25 40mm wide, 150mm diameter80 grit aluminium oxideFor the Axminster AWBGDL and AC150WSG wide stone grinders Add to cart
Limited Availability: Contact us for delivery times Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop Aluminium Oxide 'Grey' Grinding Wheels - 150mm Axminster Workshop ax988093 BGN44.19 Suitable for general grinding150mm diameter20mm width, 31.75mm bore (reducing bushes available) Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop Aluminium Oxide Grinding Wheel 200mm x 40mm Axminster Workshop 106549 BGN97.29 Ideal for sharpening tool steel, fast cutting 80g aluminium oxideSofter bond, less chance of overheating the tool40mm wide, 200mm diameter, 15.88mm (5/8") bore Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop Grinding Wheel 150 x 40 x 12.7mm Axminster Workshop 107328 BGN66.32 Sharpen high carbon tool steels and HSS toolsCooler cutting, less chance of overheating the toolFast cutting, medium hard vitrified bond 80g aluminium oxide40mm wide, 150mm diameter, 12.7mm (1/2") bore Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop Grinding Wheel Reduction Bushes Axminster Workshop ax29710 BGN11.45 1.1/4" external diameterAvailable in a range of sizes Add to cart
Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop Pink Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop ax19566 BGN73.69 Semi-friable grindstonesEspecially suited to grinding fine edged hand tools150mm diameter, 31.75mm bore, 80 grit Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop White Grinding Wheel 200mm x 25mm Axminster Workshop ax1029066 BGN88.15 Sharpen high carbon and HSS toolsCooler cutting with less tendency to overheat the steelCuts freely offering a fast result and clean finish200mm diameter x 25mm wide, 5/8" bore Add to cart
Limited Availability: Contact us for delivery times Grinding Wheels PROXXON Corundum Wheel for SP/E & BSG 220 Proxxon 300117 BGN11.54 (Hardness N) 50 x 13mm12.7mm boreFor general grinding/sharpening Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Grinding Wheels PROXXON Silicon Carbide Wheel for SP/E & BSG 220 Proxxon 477730 BGN12.12 50 x 13mm12.7mm boreSilicon Carbide for hard materials Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grinding Wheels Silicon Carbide 'Green' Grinding Wheels Axminster Workshop ax22226 BGN76.35 Suitable for TCT grindingAvailable with two diameter sizes120 grit Add to cart
Grinding Wheels Woodcut Tools Tru-Grind CBN Grinding Wheels Woodcut Tools ax933820 BGN498.24 No wear, so no resetting of jigs, no dressing or conditioningSmooth grinding from 100 to 3,500rpm, only light pressure requiredCool cutting no blue edges, leaves a fine and even finish Add to cart