Grooving & Slotting Amana Carbide Point Cutting Roundover Router Cutter 1/4" Shank Amana Tool ax1063800 BGN87.23 Lettering, engraving and signmakingFluting and decorative trimmingSuitable for CNC and handheld routers Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grooving & Slotting Amana Carbide Tipped Double Edge Folding Vee Groove 1/4" Shank Amana Tool 111581 BGN160.07 108 deg, 0.9" tipCarbide tipped v-grooveUse with Aluminium Composite Materials (ACM) Add to cart
Grooving & Slotting Amana Insert Vee Groove Router Cutters 1/2" Shank Amana Tool ax1063495 BGN385.22 Designed for sign making and letteringInnovative knife insert designSuitable for a range of materials Add to cart
Grooving & Slotting Amana Insert Vee Groove Router Cutters 1/4" Shank Amana Tool ax1063498 BGN100.47 Designed for sign making and letteringInnovative knife insert designSuitable for a range of materials Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Grooving & Slotting Amana Miter Fold 91 Deg Vee Groove Router Cutter 1/2" Shank Amana Tool 111594 BGN641.07 Designed for sign making and letteringInnovative knife insert designSuitable for a range of materials Add to cart
Grooving & Slotting Amana Solid Carbide Vee Groove Router Cutters 1/4" Shank Amana Tool ax1063794 BGN114.32 Cut V-grooves and letteringSpektra™ nanocomposite coatingProduce chamfers and bevel edgesSuitable for range of materials Add to cart
Grooving & Slotting Amana Vee Groove Router Cutters 1/4" Shank Amana Tool ax1063492 BGN108.30 Cut V-grooves and letteringProduce chamfers and bevel edgesExcellent for range of materials Add to cart