Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Dowel Beechwood Dowelling 498mm Lengths Axminster Workshop ax890709 BGN12.92 Air dried Beech wood498mm lengths, plain or flutedFSC Certificated Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Dowel Beechwood Pre-Cut Dowels Axminster Workshop ax23625 BGN29.15 Air dried beechwood, correctly sizedFluted for better glue distribution Add to cart
Limited Availability: Contact us for delivery times Dowel Miller Large Dowels Miller Dowel ax816468 BGN59.54 Ribs along length allow glue to adhere to material and dowelTo be used with Millar large stepped drill bitTap the dowel in to the hole until fully seatedSelf-capping Add to cart
Limited Availability: Contact us for delivery times Dowel Miller Mini Dowels Miller Dowel ax816461 BGN85.42 Ribs along length allow glue to adhere to material and dowelTo be used with Miller mini stepped drill bitTap the dowel in to the hole until fully seatedPacks 100Self-capping Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Dowel Miller Standard Dowels Miller Dowel ax816467 BGN46.90 Ribs along length allow glue to adhere to material and dowelTo be used with Millar standard stepped drill bitTap the dowel in to the hole until fully seatedSelf-capping Add to cart