Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Vernier Calipers Axminster Workshop Digital Electronic Calipers Axminster Workshop ax20296 BGN81.95 General duty electronic calipersResolution of 0.01mmMetric to Imperial conversion Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Vernier Calipers Axminster Workshop High Precision Dial Caliper - 150mm Axminster Workshop 910360 BGN92.87 Easy-to-read dial calipersHardened stainless steel with ground and lapped measuring faces150mm maximum measuring length calibrated in 0.02mm divisionsKnurled wheel for adjustmentSupplied in a strong foam lined presentation case Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Dividers Axminster Workshop Pencil Compass/Dividers - 150mm Axminster Workshop 107250 BGN8.79 For drawing accurate circles or arcsTakes a standard pencilUse as compass or dividersHardened and tempered spring steel bowHigh quality, polished steel legsHardened & ground compass pointKnurled grip adjusting screw Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Dividers Axminster Workshop Pencil Compass/Dividers - 300mm Axminster Workshop 107251 BGN15.87 Draw circles or arcs up to 650mm diameterTakes a standard pencilUse as compass or dividersHardened and tempered spring steel bowHigh quality, polished steel legsHardened & ground compass pointsKnurled grip adjusting screw Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Vernier Calipers Axminster Workshop Pocket Vernier Caliper - 100mm Axminster Workshop 519001 BGN39.18 Pocket-sizedMovable head locks for comparative measurementEasy-to-read non-reflective 100mm scale calibrated to 0.05mm resolutionExternal, internal, depth and distance from an edge measurementSupplied with leatherette case Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Spring Calipers Axminster Workshop Spring Calipers Axminster Workshop ax22384 BGN10.56 For internal or external useCurved ends for access and accuracyRoller pivot for smooth adjustmentBow spring provides even tension Add to cart
Out of Stock: Contact us for availability options Dividers Axminster Workshop Spring Dividers Axminster Workshop ax21892 BGN10.56 Legs pivoted on rollerBow spring for tensioningThreaded rodDivider points fully hardened and ground Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Vernier Calipers Axminster Workshop Vernier Caliper - 150mm/6" Axminster Workshop 910359 BGN63.66 Stainless steel with satin finishClear metric and imperial graduationsMetric scale gives readings down to 0.02mm and the imperial scale 0.001"Can be used for external, internal and depth measurement Add to cart
Availability Axminster: Delivery 10-15 working days! Electronic Calipers GemRed Electronic Digital Caliper - 155mm/6" GemRed 952910 BGN102.88 Robust stainless steel constructionHigh precision digital readoutImperial or metric display at the touch of a buttonMeasures external, internal, step and depthZero to 155mm or 6" by 0.01mm or 0.001" Add to cart
Limited Availability: Contact us for delivery times Spring Calipers Veritas Thickness Calipers Veritas ax788307 BGN220.87 Accurate measurement of wall thicknessDesigned to reach into deep hollow formsAchieve even wall thickness on bowls and hollow formsOpen callipers, remove and measure tip gapSpacing nut adjustable for any thicknessChoice of sizes: 140mm or 295mm throat depthSteel with brass fittings Add to cart