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Made entirely in Axminster, England, this beautifully engineered piece of equipment allows you to cut grooves, dadoes (through or stopped) and rectangular cutouts. It offers far greater accuracy and precision than previously possible. Primarily designed for use with a UJK Progrip Clamp, the UJK Precision Grooving Jig offers unrivalled functionality. It will run on any suitable straight edge between 10mm and 16mm thick and 45mm to 55mm wide. The only other equipment required is a router fitted with a 30mm guide bush. We recommend using 101875. After setting up the jig, the router and guide bush fit into the 30mm aperture and cutting can proceed. The jig glides exceptionally smoothly along the clamp. The clamp housing has two bearings on one side and a low friction plate on the other. A lockable adjusting screw moves the low friction plate, to remove any play between the jig and clamp. A lens with a scale and cross hairs allow you to position the jig precisely both in relation to the scale on the Progrip clamp and in relation to a line marked on your workpiece. For greater precision a vernier scale with a micro adjuster allows you to set the jig with an accuracy of 0.1mm. If you wish to cut a groove wider than the cutter, the scale and threaded adjustment provide the necessary control for the second pass. If after the first cut the groove is too narrow, you can always use the micro adjuster to shift it a smidgen for a second pass. When cutting an aperture the jig allows the same precision. It allows a crosscut length of up to 100mm and enables you to cut all four sides in one go. Deep cuts will obviously require more than one pass. Includes a pair of stops to limit the length of cut and lock the Progrip scale in position.