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Half the battle when sharpening is getting the bevel angle correct. A good bevel gauge is truly handy for quickly checking the grind angle of chisels, plane blades, turning tools, etc. A quick check confirms the angle last used for grinding or honing so that the edge geometry can be maintained. The Veritas bevel gauge has seven individual slots that will measure the most commonly used angles from 15° to 45° in 5° increments. Your eye is a fine instrument; it can easily interpolate other angles in the range, angles like 24° or 26°. The slots on the gauge are about 19mm deep for good registration. An engineer's corner at the base of each slot and the fact it is made from solid brass ensures it will not damage a honed edge. The pocket-sized disc is 62mm in diameter with a centre hole for hanging it on a nail. Made in USA.