Also called a riving axe, it is used with a wooden mallet to split timber along the grain. This is not only quicker than sawing, but the stock produced is much stronger and more durable. The Romans used froes to make oak shingles for roofing which, on account of being riven, showed no short grain, making them long lasting and weatherproof. Bodgers use the froe to prepare stock for chair spindles. Again their strength is derived from having the timber's grain running completely along the spindle's length, run out of the grain would form a weak point. These froes are not supplied with a handle, as the length and thickness are dependent upon the use to which the froe is to be put and personal choice. Drive the blade into the timber to be split with a wooden mallet, use the handle to twist the blade, thus extending the run or the split. If the timber resists, drive the blade further with the mallet and twist the blade again. Length 250mm, blade width 48mm.-bg