Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK 🪚 Премиум оборудване за дървообработка | JetTools.bg
    Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK 🪚 Премиум оборудване за дървообработка | JetTools.bg
    Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK 🪚 Премиум оборудване за дървообработка | JetTools.bg
    Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK 🪚 Премиум оборудване за дървообработка | JetTools.bg
    Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK 🪚 Премиум оборудване за дървообработка | JetTools.bg

    Настолна маса за оберфреза UJK

    • Солидни и надеждни маси за оберфреза
    • Плотовете са съвместими с елеватор UJK и набор от вложки
    • Качествен алуминиев линеал
    • Здрава стойка с добра мобилност
    • Налични чугунени или фенолни плотове
    • Предлага се допълнителна кутия за изсмукване на прах
    Склад Axminster: Доставка 10-15 раб. дни!
    1679,94 лв.


    The UJK Technology compact router tables are solid, dependable units that should give many years of useful service. Cast iron table top. The benefits of using cast iron for the manufacture of machine tables are well known especially where vibration damping and stability are paramount. This cast iron 686 x 406 x 40mm top is finely ground offering minimum resistance to the workpiece as it is passed over the surface. If you don't have room in your workshop for a full sized router table then the 'compact' would be a great choice. There are many complex routing operations that can only be carried out using a table set-up and, although smaller than its bigger brothers, these little gems still offer some excellent features. The aperture in the table top is designed to accept the UJK router elevator and a range of other dedicated insert options. The fence is a beautifully made, single piece aluminium section supplied with a transparent dust port for efficient extraction from above the table. Provision is made for the fitting of guards and accessories with a T-slot at both the top and front of the fence. An adjustable transparent guard is included for your safety. Adjustable scales are provided for attachment at either side of the table and the fence is attached to these and locks into place in the required position. A scale is also provided for the top of the fence with the zero position at the centre. Adjustable in-feed and out-feed fences attach to either side of the aluminium section and the central aperture can be opened and closed according to the diameter of the cutter in use. Measures 789 x 90mm. The compact leg stand is of sturdy construction. Measuring 370mm high, with a footprint of 580 x 390mm, this leg stand is such a useful size and could also be used for mounting many other machines.-bg

    Подробности за продукта

    Размер на линеала
    789 mm x 90 mm
    Изход за прахоулавяне
    62 mm
    EAN Barcode

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